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Anyone with a Wi-Fi connection has been made well aware of “cancel culture” over the past few years, with debates flying from all corners of the internet over whether the notion is even a part of our reality. “Cancel culture” as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is “the practice of engaging in mass canceling as a way of expressing disapproval and exerting social pressure.” “Canceling,” in this instance, is “to withdraw one’s support for (someone, such as a celebrity, or something, such as a company) publicly and especially on social media.”

The debate surrounding the merit of cancel culture is extremely controversial given the definition at hand. Naturally, people of differing backgrounds interpret messages in ways that apply to their own life experiences. So, what exactly warrants a cancellation online? The answer, of course, can be interpreted differently across populations. While some people believe cancel culture is nothing but a farce, others believe it has gone too far, and yet another group believes it does not work hard enough to rid a problematic persona from the realm of the internet.

However, there have been instances of cancel culture causing an influencer or business to completely abandon their online presence, either temporarily or forever, in the face of cancellation and social media backlash.

So, in the age where mass cancellation can be a real threat to business owners and marketers with a social media presence, how do you begin to handle backlash if it arises?


Assess and Acknowledge the Situation

Listen to your audience and try to understand where the backlash is coming from and how far it has spread. If your audience is lashing out against you, they likely feel unheard, unsatisfied, or put off by a message you have promoted. Has this backlash affected your profit margins? Are you losing followers? Assess the damage and acknowledge that you may have made a mistake that has deeply upset your target market.


Take Responsibility

All actions have consequences, and the first step to mediating backlash online is admitting your fault in the situation and taking action to remedy the mistake going forward. The most damaging thing to do in a situation such as this is to attempt to ignore the backlash, delete comments, or negate that you are at fault. These actions are extremely likely to exacerbate the situation and create a deeper sense of resentment among your audience. Instead, be sure to apologize for, explain, and correct the actions that have created the backlash in the first place. Your audience wants to hear that you care about their feelings — earn back their trust by responding in a socially responsible and timely manner.


Follow Up with Your Audience

Continue to engage in dialogue with your audience after apologies have been made and you have taken the time to reflect on the actions that caused the backlash. Follow up with your supporters by listening and interacting with them on social media. These are the people who have given your business their support, give back by thanking them and showing your appreciation. Engagement not only shows that you are continuing to fix and reflect on your mistakes but also boosts your brand’s authority and loyalty among consumers.


Keep Learning

Use this negative situation and turn it into a more positive opportunity. Become an advocate for the things that matter most to you and your supporters. Reflect on the timeline of the backlash — What did you succeed with? How could you have done better? Analyze the feedback you have received from your audience and let that help you determine the situation’s overall impact. Take what you have learned from the backlash and allow that to guide your brand’s online messaging going forward.


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